1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1. Microsoft Windows
2.2. Linux
2.3. OS-X
2.4. Requirements
2.5. Diagnostics Script
2.6. Installing the Latest Source
3. Basics
3.1. Source Files
3.2. Objects and Tasks
3.3. Creating, Saving and Loading Projects
3.4. Navigating Plots
4. Common Procedures
4.1. Isolation Routing
4.2. Drilling
4.3. 2-side PCB
4.4. Copper Area Clear
4.5. Board Cutout
4.6. Bed Flattening
5. Object Reference
5.1. Gerber Object
5.2. Excellon Object
5.3. Geometry Object
5.4. CNC Job Object
6. Geometry Editor
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Creating New Geometry Objects
6.3. Editing Existing Geometry Objects
7. Shell Command Line Interface
7.1. Calling a Shell script on startup
7.2. The Shell Window
7.3. Shell Language
8. Shell Command Reference
8.1. add_circle
8.2. add_poly
8.3. add_polyline
8.4. add_rect
8.5. aligndrill
8.6. aligndrillgrid
8.7. cncjob
8.8. cutout
8.9. delete
8.10. drillcncjob
8.11. export_gcode
8.12. export_svg
8.13. exteriors
8.14. follow
8.15. geo_union
8.16. geocutout
8.17. get_names
8.18. help
8.19. import_svg
8.20. interiors
8.21. isolate
8.22. join_excellons
8.23. join_geometries
8.24. make_docs
8.25. millholes
8.26. mirror
8.27. new
8.28. new_geometry
8.29. offset
8.30. open_excellon
8.31. open_gcode
8.32. open_gerber
8.33. open_project
8.34. options
8.35. paint_poly
8.36. panelize
8.37. plot
8.38. save_project
8.39. scale
8.40. set_active
8.41. set_sys
8.42. subtract_poly
8.43. subtract_rect
8.44. write_gcode
9. CAD Export Guides
9.1. Eagle How-to
9. CAD Export Guides
9. CAD Export Guides
9.1. Eagle How-to