8. Referencia de la Interfaz de Línea de Comando¶
La interfaz de línea de comando de FlatCAM se encuentra en desarrollo y su comportamiento puede cambiar en el futuro. Esto incluye cuales comando se encuentran disponibles y su formato.
La sintaxis utilizada en este documento incluye comandos, parámetros, los tipos de datos de los parámetros, y si es que esto son obligatorios u opcionales. Todos los comando tienen la siguiente sintaxis:
> nombre_del_comando <parametro1> <parametro2> … [sección opcional 1] [sección opcional 2] …
El nombre del comando (nombre_del_comando
) debe ingresarse literalmente y debe anteceder a cualquier parámetro.
Aquellos parámetros especificados en <
y >
son obligatorios. Solo debe ingresar el valor del parámetro (no el nombre ni <
y >
). La documentación puede especificar un nombre (solo con el propósito de referencia) y el tipo de datos esperado (p.e. str
para texto (“string”), int
para números enteros (“integer”), float
para números decimales de punto flotante, etc).
Las secciones opcionales se indican entre [
y ]
. No ingrese estos caracteres. Si ingresa una sección opcional, todo lo que se especifica en la sección es obligatorio a menos que contenga otra sección opcional en su interior.
Las secciones opcionales pueden ser parámetros con nombre explicito, por ejemplo -outname <str>
donde el caracter -
y el nombre se ingresan literalmente, seguidos por el valor (en el formato especificado). Puede encontrar secciones opcionales utilizadas para definir listas de valores, como x1 [x2 [...]]
, donde solo se ingresan valores.
8.1. add_circle¶
Creates a circle in the given Geometry object.
- > add_circle <name> <center_x> <center_y> <radius>
name: Name of the geometry object to which to append the circle.
center_x, center_y: Coordinates of the center of the circle.
radius: Radius of the circle.
8.2. add_poly¶
Creates a polygon in the given Geometry object.
- > add_polygon <str> [xi, yi <?>]
> add_poly <str> [xi, yi <?>]
name <str>: Name of the Geometry object to which to append the polygon.
[xi, yi <?>: Coordinates of points in the polygon.]
8.3. add_polyline¶
Creates a polyline in the given Geometry object.
- > add_polyline <str> [xi, yi <?>]
name <str>: Name of the Geometry object to which to append the polyline.
[xi, yi <?>: Coordinates of points in the polyline.]
8.4. add_rect¶
Creates a rectange in the given Geometry object.
- > add_rect <name> <botleft_x> <botleft_y> <topright_x> <topright_y>
name: Name of the geometry object to which to append the rectangle.
botleft_x, botleft_y: Coordinates of the bottom left corner.
topright_x, topright_y Coordinates of the top right corner.
8.5. aligndrill¶
Create excellon with drills for aligment.
- > aligndrill <name> [-dia <3.0 (float)>] -axis <X|Y> [-box <nameOfBox> -minoffset <float> [-grid <10 (float)> -gridoffset <5 (float)> [-axisoffset <0 (float)>]] | -dist <number>]
name: Name of the object (Gerber or Excellon) to mirror.
dia: Tool diameter
box: Name of object which act as box (cutout for example.)
grid: aligning to grid, for thouse, who have aligning pins inside table in grid (-5,0),(5,0),(15,0)... gridoffset: offset of grid from 0 position minoffset: min and max distance between align hole and pcb axisoffset: offset on second axis before aligment holes axis: Mirror axis parallel to the X or Y axis.
dist: Distance of the mirror axis to the X or Y axis.
8.6. aligndrillgrid¶
Create excellon with drills for aligment grid.
- > aligndrillgrid <outname> [-dia <3.0 (float)>] -gridx <float> [-gridoffsetx <0 (float)>] -gridy <float> [-gridoffsety <0 (float)>] -columns <int> -rows <int>
outname: Name of the object to create.
dia: Tool diameter
gridx: grid size in X axis
gridoffsetx: move grid from origin
gridy: grid size in Y axis
gridoffsety: move grid from origin
colums: grid holes on X axis
rows: grid holes on Y axis
8.7. cncjob¶
Generates a CNC Job from a Geometry Object.
- > cncjob <str> [-z_cut <float>] [-z_move <float>] [-feedrate <float>] [-tooldia <float>] [-spindlespeed <int>] [-multidepth <bool>] [-depthperpass <float>] [-outname <str>]
name <str>: Name of the source object.
[-z_cut <float>: Z-axis cutting position.]
[-z_move <float>: Z-axis moving position.]
[-feedrate <float>: Moving speed when cutting.]
[-tooldia <float>: Tool diameter to show on screen.]
[-spindlespeed <int>: Speed of the spindle in rpm (example: 4000).]
[-multidepth <bool>: Use or not multidepth cnccut.]
[-depthperpass <float>: Height of one layer for multidepth.]
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
8.8. cutout¶
Creates board cutout.
- > cutout <name> [-dia <3.0 (float)>] [-margin <0.0 (float)>] [-gapsize <0.5 (float)>] [-gaps <lr (4|tb|lr)>]
name: Name of the object
dia: Tool diameter
margin: Margin over bounds
gapsize: size of gap
gaps: type of gaps
8.10. drillcncjob¶
Generates a Drill CNC Job from a Excellon Object.
- > drillcncjob <str> [-tools <str>] [-drillz <float>] [-travelz <float>] [-feedrate <float>] [-spindlespeed <int>] [-toolchange <bool>] [-outname <str>]
name <str>: Name of the source object.
[-tools <str>: Comma separated indexes of tools (example: 1,3 or 2) or select all if not specified.]
[-drillz <float>: Drill depth into material (example: -2.0).]
[-travelz <float>: Travel distance above material (example: 2.0).]
[-feedrate <float>: Drilling feed rate.]
[-spindlespeed <int>: Speed of the spindle in rpm (example: 4000).]
[-toolchange <bool>: Enable tool changes (example: True).]
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
8.11. export_gcode¶
Export gcode into console output.
- > export_gcode <str> [<str>] [<str>]
name <str>: Name of the source Geometry object.
[preamble <str>: Prepend GCODE.]
[postamble <str>: Append GCODE.]
8.12. export_svg¶
Export a Geometry Object as a SVG File
- > export_svg <name> <filename> [-scale_factor <0.0 (float)>]
name: Name of the geometry object to export.
filename: Path to the file to export.
scale_factor: Multiplication factor used for scaling line widths during export.
8.13. exteriors¶
Get exteriors of polygons.
- > exteriors <str> [-outname <str>]
> ext <str> [-outname <str>]
name <str>: Name of the source Geometry object.
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
[-timeout <int>: Max wait for job timeout before error.]
8.14. follow¶
Creates a geometry object following gerber paths.
- > follow <name> [-outname <oname>]
name: Name of the gerber object.
outname: Name of the output geometry object.
8.15. geo_union¶
Runs a union operation (addition) on the components of the geometry object. For example, if it contains 2 intersecting polygons, this opperation adds them intoa single larger polygon.
- > geo_union <name>
- name: Name of the geometry object.
8.16. geocutout¶
Cut holding gaps from geometry.
- > geocutout <name> [-dia <3.0 (float)>] [-margin <0.0 (float)>] [-gapsize <0.5 (float)>] [-gaps <lr (8|4|tb|lr|2tb|2lr)>]
name: Name of the geometry object
dia: Tool diameter
margin: Margin over bounds
gapsize: size of gap
gaps: type of gaps
#isolate margin for example from fritzing arduino shield or any svg etc
isolate BCu_margin -dia 3 -overlap 1
#create exteriors from isolated object
exteriors BCu_margin_iso -outname BCu_margin_iso_exterior
#delete isolated object if you dond need id anymore
delete BCu_margin_iso
#finally cut holding gaps
geocutout BCu_margin_iso_exterior -dia 3 -gapsize 0.6 -gaps 4
8.18. help¶
Shows list of commands.
8.19. import_svg¶
Import an SVG file as a Geometry Object..
- > import_svg <str> [-type <str>] [-outname <str>]
filename <str>: Path to file to open.
[-type <str>: Import as gerber or geometry(default).]
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
8.20. interiors¶
Get interiors of polygons.
- > interiors <str> [-outname <str>]
name <str>: Name of the source Geometry object.
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
8.21. isolate¶
Creates isolation routing geometry for the given Gerber.
- > isolate <str> [-dia <float>] [-passes <int>] [-overlap <float>] [-combine <int>] [-outname <str>]
name <str>: Name of the source object.
[-dia <float>: Tool diameter.]
[-passes <int>: Passes of tool width.]
[-overlap <float>: Fraction of tool diameter to overlap passes.]
[-combine <int>: Combine all passes into one geometry.]
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
8.22. join_excellons¶
Runs a merge operation (join) on the excellon objects
- > join_excellons <out_name> <obj_name_0>....
- out_name: Name of the new excellon object. obj_name_0... names of the objects to join
8.23. join_geometries¶
Runs a merge operation (join) on the geometry objects
- > join_geometries <out_name> <obj_name_0>....
- out_name: Name of the new geometry object. obj_name_0... names of the objects to join
8.24. make_docs¶
Prints command reference in reStructuredText format.
8.25. millholes¶
Create Geometry Object for milling holes from Excellon.
- > millholes <name> -tools <str> -tooldia <float> -outname <str>
name: Name of the Excellon Object
tools: Comma separated indexes of tools (example: 1,3 or 2)
tooldia: Diameter of the milling tool (example: 0.1)
outname: Name of object to create
8.26. mirror¶
Mirror a layer.
- > mirror <name> -axis <X|Y> [-box <nameOfBox> | -dist <number>]
name: Name of the object (Gerber or Excellon) to mirror.
box: Name of object which act as box (cutout for example.)
axis: Mirror axis parallel to the X or Y axis.
dist: Distance of the mirror axis to the X or Y axis.
8.28. new_geometry¶
Creates a new empty geometry object.
- > new_geometry <name>
- name: New object name
8.29. offset¶
Changes the position of the object.
- > offset <name> <x> <y>
name: Name of the object
x: X-axis distance
y: Y-axis distance
8.30. open_excellon¶
Opens an Excellon file.
- > open_excellon <filename> [-outname <o>]
filename: Path to file to open.
outname: Name of the created excellon object.
8.31. open_gcode¶
Opens an G-Code file.
- > open_gcode <filename> [-outname <o>]
filename: Path to file to open.
outname: Name of the created CNC Job object.
8.32. open_gerber¶
Opens a Gerber file.
- > open_gerber <str> [-follow <str>] [-outname <str>]
filename <str>: Path to file to open.
[-follow <str>: N If 1, does not create polygons, just follows the gerber path.]
[-outname <str>: Name of the resulting Geometry object.]
8.33. open_project¶
Opens a FlatCAM project.
- > open_project <filename>
- filename: Path to file to open.
8.35. paint_poly¶
Creates a geometry object with toolpath to cover the inside of a polygon.
- > paint_poly <name> <inside_pt_x> <inside_pt_y> <tooldia> <overlap>
name: Name of the sourge geometry object.
inside_pt_x, inside_pt_y: Coordinates of a point inside the polygon.
tooldia: Diameter of the tool to be used.
overlap: Fraction of the tool diameter to overlap cuts.
8.36. panelize¶
Simple panelize geometries.
- > panelize <name> [-box <nameOfBox>] [-spacing_columns <5 (float)>] [-spacing_rows <5 (float)>] -columns <int> -rows <int> [-outname <n>]
name: Name of the object to panelize.
box: Name of object which act as box (cutout for example.) for cutout boundary. Object from name is used if not specified.
spacing_columns: spacing between columns
spacing_rows: spacing between rows
columns: number of columns
rows: number of rows
outname: Name of the new geometry object.
8.37. plot¶
Updates the plot on the user interface
8.38. save_project¶
Saves the FlatCAM project to file.
- > save_project <filename>
- filename: Path to file to save.
8.39. scale¶
Resizes the object by a factor.
- > scale <name> <factor>
name: Name of the object
factor: Fraction by which to scale
8.41. set_sys¶
Set the value of a system parameter (FlatCAM constant)
- > set_sys <sysparam> <paramvalue>
sysparam: Name of the parameter.
paramvalue: Value to set.
8.42. subtract_poly¶
Subtract polygon from the given Geometry object.
- > subtract_poly <name> <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [x3 y3 [...]]
name: Name of the geometry object, which will be sutracted.
xi, yi: Coordinates of points in the polygon.
8.43. subtract_rect¶
Subtract rectange from the given Geometry object.
- > subtract_rect <name> <botleft_x> <botleft_y> <topright_x> <topright_y>
name: Name of the geometry object, which will be subtracted.
botleft_x, botleft_y: Coordinates of the bottom left corner.
topright_x, topright_y Coordinates of the top right corner.
8.44. write_gcode¶
Saves G-code of a CNC Job object to file.
- > write_gcode <name> <filename>
name: Source CNC Job object
filename: Output filename